View Event: Roundhouse CircusFest - Clockwork on DanceWeb
Wed 16 Apr
North Finchley; London
Organised by: artsdepot
Acro, Stage, Street, Contemporary Dance
Show, Concert, Social, Live
£12 students. "We are working on creating a universe where the human body can be lots of other things than just a human body."Swedish circus company Sisters are three guys with completely different shapes, bodies and minds, but the same wish: to move together as one. Clockwork comes from this obsession. They need to depend on each other bot...
Edited: Wed, 2 Apr 2014
North Finchley; London
Organised by: artsdepot
Acro, Stage, Street, Contemporary Dance
Show, Concert, Social, Live
£12 students. "We are working on creating a universe where the human body can be lots of other things than just a human body."Swedish circus company Sisters are three guys with completely different shapes, bodies and minds, but the same wish: to move together as one. Clockwork comes from this obsession. They need to depend on each other bot...
Edited: Wed, 2 Apr 2014