Sunday, 15 November 2009

Course: DanceSport NI Christmas Ball & Dinner.

View Course: DanceSport NI Christmas Ball & Dinner. on DanceWeb DanceWeb

Sat 12 - Sun 13 Dec

Belfast; Antrim

Organised by: DanceSport Northern Ireland

Dancesport, Salsa, Latin American, Mixed Social, Modern Ballroom, Tango (Argentine), Waltz (Old Time) Dance

Social, Ball

Come along and join us in celebrating the Christmas cheer with a night of fun and dance, whatever your style.Featuring Live Music by Brian McLaughlin.£25 per person, numbers Limited to 150 and availability closes on 30th Nov 2008.Programme for the Evening;7.30pm - 1.00am: Social Dancing8.00pm - 9.00pm: Meal

Edited: Sat, 14 Nov 2009

Class: DanceSport Northern Ireland

View Class: DanceSport Northern Ireland on DanceWeb DanceWeb

Belfast; Antrim

Dancesport, Latin American, Mixed Social, Modern Ballroom, Salsa, Tango (Argentine), Waltz (Old Time) Dance

Event Organiser, Workshops

DanceSport Northern Ireland is the oldest Dance Organisation in the UK or Ireland that has sole responsibility for the organising, teaching, promotion, development & expansion of social and competitive dance in Northern Ireland.It's a completely independant, democratic, Irish, social, competitive and most of all fun organisation that doesn't ...

Edited: Sat, 14 Nov 2009